Bringing Your Medical Practice Into the 21st Century

With the advent of computers in the 20th century, medical practices saw huge improvements in the ability to store patient information and other medical records. When the internet came around, communication with patients became much easier. Now in the 21st century, we’ve seen an explosion in the use of mobile devices. Nearly every consumer in America carries a computer in their pocket everywhere they go. With this, medical practice mobile apps have also increased in popularity, for a variety of reasons.

Staying on top of trends in technology not only provides further convenience for your patients, but it lifts your brand and enhances your image. Medical practices that offer easy-to-use apps are bound to benefit from increased patient engagement, which not only builds loyalty among your patients, but makes them more inclined to talk about their care provider with friends and family. This in turn gives you a chance to build your practice and bring in new patients.

Why Are Medical Practice Mobile Apps So Important?

In an era of constant connectivity, it’s important to make sure you have an easy way to stay in touch with your patients. One of the easiest ways to do this is to develop a mobile app for your medical practice. Mobile apps can provide a range of services at your patients’ fingertips, like scheduling or moving appointments, providing quick health advice, or storing important health information.

Mobile apps are software applications that have been specifically developed to use on small, wireless devices (smartphones, tablets) instead of desktop or laptop computing devices. They’re extremely convenient for smartphone and tablet users, and provide a quick, easy-to-access platform that generally provides more functionality than a website. Since apps can be linked to the personal information stored on a patient’s phone, they provide a streamlined point of access to your medical practice.

Dreamscape Marketing understands the importance of staying in touch with your patients. As such, we offer medical practice mobile app development services that are fully customized in order to meet your specific needs. When you work with Dreamscape to develop a mobile app for your medical practice, these are just some of the features we can include:

  • stethoscope and phone illustrating elective medical practice mobile solutionsModern content delivery
  • A fully-customized patient interaction platform
  • Your sales team can leverage the free download to make contact with prospective patients
  • A secure way to communicate with patients
  • Streamlined communication with alumni of your program(s)
  • User-experience focused design
  • GPS directions provide your clients with turn-by-turn guidance to your facility
  • Map waypoints ensure that you’re visible in searches on mobile devices
  • One-touch calling from within the app
  • Tell-A-Friend feature encourages your patients to share their experience
  • Email, SMS, Facebook, Twitter and other social media environments
  • Easy-to-navigate, optimized mobile menus
  • Event listings feature ensures that your customers know what’s happening at your facility
  • Optimized image gallery that looks fantastic on iOS, Android, and Windows Mobile devices
  • Keep the customer rapport going with push notifications and content alerts
  • Blog integration that promotes your feeds and empowers your users to read and respond

Work With Dreamscape to Build Your Ideal App

Every medical practice needs a fully built out web strategy, beyond just a website. Adding a mobile app to your suite of solutions is something that your patients will definitely appreciate. Having a platform that allows your patients to quickly and easily communicate with you when they’re in need is a great way to boost your reputation and keep up a solid rapport with your patient base.

At Dreamscape, we offer medical practice mobile app development to give you the upper-hand over your competitors. For more information, contact us today at 888.307.7304. We offer further digital services, such as content marketing, website hosting, and PPC campaign options as well!